23rd May 2008 was a great day for Indonesian WICM vehicle factory (subsidiary of Indomobil Group, distributor of GWM) - the first GW Wingle was finished in the end following nearly one-year-preparation. This is also the first time to realize the export and assembly in IKD for Great Wall Wingle at abroad.
The First Great Wall Wingle Was Assembled Successfully in IndonesiaThe First Great Wall Wingle Was Assembled Successfully in Indonesia
Mr. Andrew, CEO of Indomobil Group and other top management participate in this launching ceremony. “Indonesia market is satisfied with the quality and performance of Wingle”, Mr.Andrew said.
Kota Barus adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Ibukota kecamatan ini berada di kelurahan Padang Masiang. Kota Barus sebagai kota Emporium dan pusat peradaban pada abad 1 – 17 M, dan disebut juga dengan nama lain, yaitu Fansur.
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