Tehran Investment & Public Participation Organization of Tehran Municipality, representing Abbas Abad Renovation Company (affiliated Tehran Municipality) intends to select a partner for constructing Didar Five-Stars Hotel, on the north of Shipping Building, South Didar Street, Haghani Highway and Aghaghia Five-Stars Hotel on the west of Etelaat Newspaper Building, Bistodovom Bahman Street, Mirdamad Blvd., Tehran with the following specifications and proper recreational facilities and green areas, based on Urban Planning Regulations of Tehran Municipality and Comprehensive Plan of Abbas Abad Lands, through competition and partnership in financing, design, supply of equipment and construction.
Kota Barus adalah sebuah kecamatan di Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Ibukota kecamatan ini berada di kelurahan Padang Masiang. Kota Barus sebagai kota Emporium dan pusat peradaban pada abad 1 – 17 M, dan disebut juga dengan nama lain, yaitu Fansur.
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